Book Manuscript-in-Progress

The Disinherited: A 20th Century American Literary History

Editorial Projects

Invited to guest edit a special issue of The Modernist Review: “A New World of Information: Data and Modernism” [forthcoming April 2025].

Peer-Reviewed Articles

Synecdoche, Articulation, & Abortion.” Diacritics: A Review of Contemporary Criticism, vol. 51 no. 4, 2023, p. 36-58.

“The Recognition of Loss in Shola von Reinhold’s Lote.” Accepted for a special issue of Feminist Modernist Studies on modernism and contemporary women’s writing. [forthcoming July 2025].

Before and After Hormones: Youth and the Eugenic Imagination.” Modernism and Modernity Print Plus Vol. 6.2, September 2021, n.p.

“When The Dead Invest the Living.” [invited to revise and resubmit to Post45].

“George Schuyler’s Black No More and the Plot of Racial Data” [under review at Novel: A Forum on Fiction].

Articles in Edited Collections

Invited to submit a chapter, “Trans Youth on Trial: The Spectacle of Consent-in Crisis” to the edited collection: Consent Puzzles: Exploring the Ambiguities of Sexual Consent in Narratives and Media Debates. [forthcoming with Routledge, June 2025]

Other Scholarly and Critical Essays

“Data Literacy: A Short History of a Concept,” Special Issue of The Modernist Review, vol 51.1 [expected April 2025].

You Want to Infect Me.” Post45 Contemporaries: The Leftovers Cluster, Fall 2024.

Scholarly Book Reviews

English, Elizabeth, Jana Funke & Sarah Parker (eds), 2023. Interrogating Lesbian Modernism: Histories, Forms, Genres. Edinburgh University Press. Feminist Modernist Studies vol 7.2, pp 1-3. DOI:

Sara Mathiesen. 2023 Reproduction Reconceived: Family Making and the Limits of Choice after Roe v. Wade. University of California Press. Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience vol 9.1, pp 76-79. DOI:

Alys Eve Weinbaum, 2019. The Afterlife of Reproductive Slavery: Biocapitalism and Black Feminism’s Philosophy of History. Duke University Press. Literature & Medicine, vol 42.1, pp 215-221. DOI:

Articles Under Preparation

"The Disinherited (1931); Or, What Was The American Proleterian Novel?"

“The Classroom, the Cell, and the Laboratory: Prison Education as Experiment?”

“Sentimental Rubbish: Maternal Attachment Theory and the “First” Prison Nursery.”